With great gratitude and warm appreciations, I want to give a big thanks to Student, Elektra A.Hanna. The instrumental figures who made this passible, all of the hardworking Saint Peter’s staff, and to all of the students who encouraged me along my Journey. I thank you all for allowing to grow in such a great community, a community I would love to call family.
I am beyond honored for this tribute.
City With Out Wall C.Y.O.W Newark NJ, “Black Lift” Closing Reception.
Newark Arts High School Artist Picture.
“Black Lift”t Opening Reception City Without Walls 2018, Kim Ford, Malik Whitfield, and Jeremy V. Johnson.
Student talk at Saint Peter’s College.
I created most of my recent art right here on the ground of Duncan Ave, directly across the street from the beautiful Lincoln Park.
Self Portrait,Donated to my Alma mater Henry Snyder High.
Dr. Ibn Sharif Shakoor and Myself.
King Malcolm White Eagle Hall
I want to thank “CYC” City Without Walls, and the Newark Arts Council for facilitating the space for my Exhibition “Black Lift”
With the help of many hands I ran my own Airbrush business for many years, I definitely enjoyed that period of creating it had many challenges.
Spiritual Amnesty preliminary Sketch.
"Gandhi" :Spiritual Amnesty
Blue my next door neighbor share the same Birthday as the date signed on my Same Cook piece “Blues” 5/27/22
Sam Cook Rhythm and Blues
My wife and I sharing the first ever printed works, big shout out to Renes/Pudge
Working in the lab.
White Eagle Hall Performance.
I learned in H.C.C.C How to “Do It Yourself” Paint, Stage, Shoot, Archive.
Career Day Communications High School. I was one of 27 Guest speakers.
My good friend and model Sallie You may or may not remember her, I met her during a fashion shoot when she was 15 her photos came out phenomenal. 4 years later she reached out to me to ask would I be interested in being a guest speaker for career day at her High School in Jackson, NJ. I felt very honored that she even thought that much of me, I agreed and It was the best career day I could have ever imagine.
Thank you Sallie for inviting me!
Hudson County Community College Foundation Art Collection
Open Doors, Downtown, Newark NJ, Mayor Ras Baraka.
Mural Project, I completed in one week and a half with my two daughters Zahria and Mirai Pickett at Preventive Pediatrics.
Preventative Pediatrics, Dr. Myriam Spears, DO
Afro Beats in the Park, Mary Bethune Center Park. My little helpers!
Stan and myself.
White Eagle Hall, “Spotlight High”
White Eagle Hall, Its too many great people to name here!
White Eagle Hall Amend the 13th. My good brother Tony Perkins and PressureOnline.
The lady who supported me through it all, my Late Great Grandmother Elizabeth Louise”Sissy” Pickett.
He was literally my number one advocate, when it came to overall support Uncle Junior was second to none, May your soul continue to be at peace!
Meadowlands Art-Expo 2001 At MillCreek Mall Drawing - Black & White Division 1 - 1St Place
16 Harvey, A lot of great material was create in this place. Pharaoh” :Ancient Divinity
Artist Genesis Tremaine, Danielle Scott, Greg, and Philip McConnell
16 Harvey Ave Jersey City NJ, Painting “Gaze” & “Pharaoh”
"The Butter Fly Effect" A project of transformation.
1999, 129 Arlington Ave, with my little cousins Dion and Cory.
Hudson County Administration Building Exhibition.
Purpose Church, Artist and Rapper Crisis Performs.
The many versions of “2Pac” Shakoor
City Without, Walls. Black Lift Exhibition 2018. Former Director Jeremy V. Johnson, Malik Whitfield,
Commission piece for my amazing friend Carey J.B. thank you and Brian for always, always supporting me
Hoboken NJ, StarBucks Artist Highlight of the Month.
The Photography Collection.
Stardaysha and myself two of the many great artist assigned to the “Black Lives Mural” under the guidance of Alvin Petit.
Mary McLeod Bethune Center, Greenville Jersey City, Prior to Covid -19 The Bethune Featured my 7 piece of my work at their Gallery.
Preparing for “Black Lift” Newark, NJ City Without Walls. "Black Lift" Closing Show!
This is in Honor of my late Great friend Gustavo Torres. Visual & Performing Arts High School 2000.
One of my first major Exhibitions with my “Art Bothers” as I would like to call them. Top right, (Kenneth Perry)
Bottom left, (Alexis Almonte') Bottom right (Gustavo Torres). Lowes Theatre Jersey City, NJ.
When it comes to over all skill, talent, and just over grace when it came to creating,I have to say I was paired with the best of the best.
Art and Class Session with the amazing Children at Team Walker
“Another’s Vintage” "John Lewis" :Dawn Of Light
Mary McLeo Bethune Center Jersey City, New Jersey.
Savion Glover Dance Studio, Newark New Jersey.
Robyn Gorman, The Cove, Jersey City.
“Heros of Tomorrow”
Mary McLeod Bethune Center, Greenville, Jersey City New Jersey.
Henry Snyder High Alumni Artist Walk.
I learned in H.C.C.C How to “Do It Yourself” Paint, Stage, Shoot, Archive.
Doctor Jospeh Patrino and Licensed Therapist Ibn Shakoor.
Working on the painting Kobe Disciplined.
Yhisaidy, one of my students at the Team Walker Learning Center assisting me on painting the background of the Kobe “Discipline” Painting
The The #class with #Kobe #TeamWalker
The Sale of me first Photography Print.
Team Walker.
Transporting some work to City Hall for an up coming Exhibition at the Rotunda Gallery. Thank Kodak for assisting me along the way.
Business Entrepreneur Bruce Alston, and myself. He asked me to bring a pice of art to his office I bring the biggie unbenouced to me him and “The Notorious B.I.G” has the same Birthday.
My very first Air brush piece, accompanied by my little big brother Winston. Bostwick Ave Jersey City, NJ
Rearranging for an upcoming show.
City WithOutWalls Opening Show, Newark New Jersey.
My baby Girl Mirai P, poses for her dad as he works on the Same Cook piece.
I always had a thing for exhibiting my work. Here are my early pencil drawings, Bayview Ave 1999.
Kearney Point.
Kim. J. Giving a touching speech at the opening of the Open Door Exhibition.
Thank you Denise for always supporting me.
Prepping for the “Black Lift” Art Show
Shout out to my good friend who commissioned a painting for a friend as a Christmas gift.
Paintings sitting in the studio
Working on the Same Cook piece! The very first time I’ve experienced painting on the grass bare foot and it was amazing. Jersey City, Lincoln Park.
Painting at the studio space.
Dragon Ball Z Inspired Air Force Ones. “Spirit Bomb”
I wasn’t obsessed with Artist 2 Pac Shakoor, However I was always intrigued by his talent and gifts.
School to Prison “PipeLine” Video Directed Lorenzo Pickett and Ibn Shakoor.
White Eagle Hall
White Eagle Hall
Councilwoman Denise Ridley Shares George Floyd Painting during a Council Meeting
That Time when My good Friend Justice called me to tell me Gorge Floyd family wanted to speak to be about the painting I created.
Columbus Drive, Jersey City, Myself and Educator/Therapist Ibn Shakoor.
MLK Building Development, Jersey City.
Working on John Lewis “Dawn Of Light”
John Bathkey, Qua’s Creative Center.
John Bethkey, Ibn Shakoor, The Spot Foundation Jc.
Jerry Walker, Team Walker Learn Center, Downtown Jersey City.
Nipsy Hustle, 344 Duncan this literally where I grew up from age 1 until 4 years of age.
Ella Fitzgerald, Council Woman Denise Ridley’s Office.
Ella Fitzgerald, Council Woman Denise Ridley’s Office.
Cultural Affairs Director Christine Goodman.
Over 20 years of Friendship thank you for always supporting me Mina!
N.B.A Player Kyle Anderson #SlowMo
When I paint she paints, and I love it!!
My baby was with me every step of the way.
Exhibition at Purpose Church. Big Shout out to Pastor Jenn.
Christ “Crisis” Campbell performs a poem from his project “Levels of Love”
129 Arlington Ave, Greenville Jersey City. Year 1999
Working on the Painting “Socks” Rest well my good friend!
The Unveiling of The Painting “Socks”
The Unveiling of The Painting “Socks”
Behind the Scenes of Mari Posa
It is an honor to have a piece where you’ve spent 8 years of your life being of service!
“Empire Of Stars” 1500 Garden big thanks for Bonnie K.
“Empire Of Stars” Shot from the #HobokenWaterFront
Drone Shot, Khalief Browder Lincoln Park.
Big Bear Mountain PA.
Organizing some work.
Home studio setup in the kitchen.
Then and now, I remember doing the bottom to while in high school.
Behind The Scenes of “The Christ Within” Painting.
White Eagle Hall Exhibition
Photo Cred: Jennifer Brown. Walk Bye 2020