"You are not an African because you were born in Africa, you are an African because Africa is Born in you" - Dr. Kwame Nkruma
Acknowledgements. The Late Great Dr. Ivan Sertima, and Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Anthony Browder, and Runoko Rashidi
It all started when…
Notes from my journal……..
Notes in my sketchbook, me tapping into my thoughts exploring the many avenues this topic has presented!
After the SOG “Shards Of Glass” http://lorenzopphotography.com/new-blog/2015/8/20/shard-of-glassproject I was yearning to embark on the next journey. Although the work is very personal, I wanted to create a body of work that would resonate with my audience. The urges I began to receive were like signs and messages from the divine. I know this to be true due to the countless accounts where similar acts have played out. Let's rewind a bit... Monday, May 23, 2016, I was on my way to friend’s place to take some heads shots for his acting portfolio. I drove through an area that felt so reminiscent of the historical richness Harlem possess. After I arrived to his place, I began to unload the gear out of the car when my phone fell out of my hand on to a tree root. When I kneeled to retrieve my phone I could not help but to notice the appendage extending from the tree. If I can describe what I was looking at, it resembled the iconic “Black Fist” symbol. I was thinking to myself this can’t be!!! I took a couple of shots with my iPhone and proceeded to go on with my task. Followed by the awesome shoot Lawrence and I had, we sat and broke bread; I shared my peculiar experience in which Lawrence found it to be ironic. During my teen years, my mentor Kenneth “Trailie” Holmes, God rest his soul, taught me that “Nothing happens by coincidence, in-fact everything is done by design which is overseen by the creator." Thinking back to this seed he planted so many years ago resonated with me deeply when I saw this image. I believe this was affirmation to move forward with this project, so for two long years I went in isolation to create and here I bring to you “BlAck LiFt.”
Here are some of the final images from Lawrence’s shoot. May15, 2016.
Here is the image as I saw it after picking up my phone!!
Here is that same image in comparison to my actual hand, The similarities are uncanny!!!!!!!
BlAcK LiFt... Is an Art Show dedicated to the cultural awareness and awakening the Aboriginal American known as the "African American." Also to acknowledge the rich lineage that color people have on this land. We must revisit our past and relearn who we are to stand in the likeness of our ancestors, we shall rise again!!!!
September 2017, In the first 40 seconds, I elud to the BlackLift project!
The Process
"Many of us have been destroyed, reduced, because we've been made to accept other people's vision of ourselves" -Ivan Van Sertima
Below is a selection of digital composites.
"As a Man Thinketh"
"We are the People"
“We are the people 2”
"Dark Matter"