"Water drop effect"
A year ago I saw one of my favorite photographers, Oleg Tityaev used this technique on one of his images and I was utterly blown away by the results. I was so excited when a few months ago I came across a video on YouTube published by Good Light! Clips. Photographer Michael Zelbel Intel a detail "BTS" on how to achieve the "Water drop Effect"
This past weekend I was in search of some inspiration for an up coming shoot with my dear friend and amazing model Tasneema H. I already had the tools and always wanted to do the effect, then something clicked. Not only did I do the "Water drop effect" I added my own spin on it and oh mannnnn, we yielded some truly phenomenal results. Chech out some "BTS" and raw images from the shoot, Be on the look out for the behind the scenes video, I am so stoked about this shoot!!
This is some really good stuff, please check out the video!!!