Here is a view into my world when I am working guys. Any questions in regards to gear, locations, talent, etc.. please feel free to ask!!!!
Shoot with Serius Jones
BenroS4 Monopod, OptekaCXS-25 Rod System. Gini Rig Follow Focus.
A little outdoor "BTS" on an engagement shoot.
A little outdoor "BTS" on an engagement shoot.
Here is one of the finalized images.
A little outdoor Fall action!!
A little outdoor Fall action!!
Here is one of the finalized images from the shoot. This shot was taken on the back porch in the models back yard.
On the set of a family shoot.
Final Product, Model: Sallie.
BTS. "How to achieve amazing catch lights in the eyes PT3"
BTS. "How to achieve amazing catch lights in the eyes PT3"
BTS. "How to achieve amazing catch lights in the eyes PT3"
BTS. "How to achieve amazing catch lights in the eyes PT3" Check me out people : )
Double Deuces!!!!
Portrait session with one of my best friends for his book cover.
You may see my brother in a lot of my "BTS" material, hes my right hand lol. Setting up for the intro video of "How to achieve amazing catch lights in the eyes"
Thanks bro!!
My brother sitting in for me to adjust my lighting.
Doing some voice over for my video, I had to bring my little audio setup to work, too anxious to finish : ) I had my little note card ready to go along with my ZoomH4N, Rode Video Mic Pro, and some Apple headphones for monitoring.
A little BTS and finished product, Shot in Hoboken, New Jersey.
A little BTS and finished product, Shot in Newark New Jersey.
Fun shoot with my girl Sofia, we go wayyyy back!!
My babies.
Here they go again I love my Ootas, I am a sucker for circular catchlights.
On the set of a really big shoot : )
"The Hallway Shoot" video on my Youtube go check it out people.
The "V" shape setup
Shooting with my man Jordan.
A and I made some dope art this day.
This was a long but fun shoot : )
I build my sets piece by piece.
Look at the cool set up we have going on!!
Tas getting ready for some work.
Final Product, Model: Tas Aleeah.
I love this print and it looks like she does too!! : )
Another portrait session with my friend Regina.
Mola Setti VS the Beauty Dish
Photo courtesy of my good friend Noel Clark.
Photo courtesy of my good friend Noel Clark.
Photo courtesy of my good friend Noel Clark.
Final Product, Model: Tas Aleeah.
Getting ready for the shoot, using some A clamps to hold down the balloons.
Promo images for singer and songwriter Queenella.
Final Product, Big Shout out to RnB artist Queenella!
This is a flower halo I designed.