The Painting is finally complete.
Preliminary Sketch- Red Color Pencil.
Painting in some more detail.
Doing some placement with he Bluejay.
Adding more detail to the Bluejay
The painting is entering i’ts final stages, before the varnish.
The painting is finalized with a clear coat of Varnish.
I love showing my audience the stages of the painting.
I’ve longed to dive into a Maya Angelou piece, her ability to use her gifts led way to a life she was called for. Paying homage to her legacy, in contemplating this piece I wanted to give great respect by honoring her in a way never seen before. With her warm calming voice and powerful words she has shined a light worthy of a true hero.
"To be free is a Caged Bird's Dream"
I love turning trash into treasure. This is a contemporary rendition of the Late Great Maya Angelou, an American Hero. It is also the 8th installment of wood I found in various trash dumps brought home, cleaned and turned it into art.
Title: "Queen Antiquity" :Repertoire
Transfer: Wood Mix Medium:
Acrylic, Ink
Print Orientation: Portrait Size: 40"x48"
Weight: 20.4 .lbs.
Process of Creation
Step 1. Clean the wood.
Step 2. Gesso the wood.
Step 3. Dry the wood, this can be air dried or blow dried.
Step 4. Paint a base color, this is usually done in a raw Sienna.
Step 5. Preliminary sketch, this generally done in pencil or color pencil.
Step 6. Trace the permanent lines in a raw umber.
Step 7. Paint begin painting start with lite colors and gradually build.
Step 8. Varnish your painting, using Polyurethane or Polycrylic.
Step 9. Edit your video.
Step 10. Upload and post,