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"Photography Business Pointers"
This is just a brief introduction addressing a few questions that I am often asked. I don't have all the answers and I am quite ok with that, what I do know is the knowledge I have acquired over the 8 years of shooting I want to share it! So let's jump into it, how many of you out there like photography, how many of you love photography? Photography comes seemingly easy, think about how inexpensive it is to go out and buy an entry level DSLR. Now that you have your new camera it is off to the races right? Well for some this maybe true however, it is one facet to get into photography and another to actually sustain it. I've learned this along my journey, speaking of journeys check out my blog post “The Journey”
There is a lot of administrative work that goes into photography, there is what I consider to be an "80/20" rule here is a simple break down, 80% goes into managing what is you do if for example marketing, attracting clients, social media presence, email engagement, retouching, producing and selling products, there is a considerable amount of time that will be divided among these sectors. The other 20% goes into shooting. I know its sounds depressing especially for someone who loves to shoot. But if you really want to get a hand on things you need to understand and adopt this Concept.
Photography is a vast market when I mean vast it’s big, here are a few categories.
Interior Design
Identify what is appealing to you, where do you fall in line? Becoming familiar with the fundamentals is highly critical to your development. When you build on shaky grounds you are very likely to fall, when your foundation is strong you are able to withstand those challenging times. I want to share a few pointers!
Remind yourself of the "80/20" rule, and do not forget it.
Invest more time and financing into studying & research.
Legal/Documentations- model releases, agreements, contracts.
Liability/protection- cover your clients & gear.
Accounting/Management- smart investing, keep track of billing & what you spend.
Diligence/Patients- consistently work on being the the best at what you do, keep in mind being great takes time.
Mastering- your style & workflow.
Anticipation- apart of being a great photographer is anticipating things that can potentially go wrong.
If you plan on turning your passion into a career I think a great starting place will be to:
1.Be passionate: When your passionate about something you are good at, it makes it that much more desirable to do.
2.Hone in on your niche: What is it that you do best?
3.Define who you are as a photographer: Establishment (be known for something)
5.Get familiar with your market: know who is doing what.
6.Build your network and use it: Always refer to the people who you can rely on and trust to give you honest feedback. Engage with your community (Your network is your net-worth)
7. Learn from the masters: I can not emphasize this enough!
Books I would strongly consider reading:
“ASMP Professional Business Practices in Photography”
“The Photographer’s Guide to Negotiating”
“The Photographer’s Survival Guide”
“The Digital Photography Book”
“The Moment it Clicks”
“Sketching Light”
“Creative 52”
There are a ton photography related books out there believe me some are captivating on the contrary, some are not the most exciting but you will ultimately gain a wealth of knowledge resulting in you being a well rounded photographer. If you can effectively manage to do these things I think you are on the right path. I hope this post serve as a reference point and a source of inspiration to make your passion consistent to what you want it to be.
If you find this material useful please share it with your family and friends, this helps us all out a great deal. God Bless and Good Luck!!
"I did not choose Art, it chose me"
For as long as I can remember I was always drawing, but I did not realize my ability until the death of my father in 1995; I was 9 years of age at the time. My life took a turn for the absolute worst, things became very gloomy followed by 2 years of depression looking for an outlet I turned to art! Drawing not only served as an escape, I was able to express those emotions I struggle to hard to control and dealt with. Free time in school became drawing time. My teachers realize my artistic inclination, and immediately pushed me into gifted and talented classes; this is where my talents were harnessed and developed.
By 1999, 4 years later things picked up and really took off for me! The year 2000 was a new start. I was accepted to a Visual & Performing Arts High School, this is when I really immersed myself into art. I studied an array of mediums and engaged in much intense training. By 2003, I found my niche, painting was my passion. I went on to win many awards, In 2004 I received my most prestige accolade "The Governor's Gold Key Award for Scholastic Art and Writing” This was presented to me by the New Jersey Governor.
The V.P.A taught me so much; I learned some of my most valuable lessons there! I’ve learned the importance of discipline, and how to channel my creativity through art, also that I can make it as an artist! Those life essentials carried throughout my career as an artist, and here I am now! Spiritually I know I was guided to this path. I find ironic to say this but, in hindsight I feel like my father's death was a gift to me, because that pain I felt call forth my potential. I had to turn my pain into passion, he lives through my work!
"The Saga Continues"
"The Saga Continues"
So......Following "SOG" which I thought was massively successful but not because of the all of the stunning imagery that we were able to produce, it was successful for all of the things that lead after. There were uncanny similarities in our dreams, goals, beliefs, even down to life experiences. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, wham it hit me straight in the face, I begun to realize what was actually going on. I now see that “SOG” was just the premises for something entirely bigger. I am a person that is driven by impulse, but it's more of an Intuitive impulse, a knowingness, a sensation of knowing that the time is precisely right. Using this compass is in fact how I navigate through life that is the only way I can explain it. The fact that she undoubtedly trust in me, believe in me and how she vouches for me was a no brainer. We bond extremely well almost to the point where you have to question, "Is this even real" I swear people I cannot make this stuff up!
Because of life circumstances it allowed us to be familiar with one another, I recognized her soul. Although we were complete strangers prior to the shoot destiny helped us to recognize each other. She was in pursuit of doing more creative driven work, and I was looking to get more involve with the entrepreneurial business aspect of things. I am pretty endowed in the creative department, so is she on the business end of things, this is what I would consider to be a partnership made in heaven. Upon our very first meeting following “SOG” I shared my goals as she did hers. I was so intrigued and blown away by all of the material she presented, all of the dreams and ideas that were most dear and intimate to her laid right before my eyes. I must be quite honest it was a bit over whelming but in a very good way, it only made me more or less want to, “Get my act together” It was a true eye opener being around someone who was so well organized, passionate, and meticulous about their craft. #LikeMindIndividuals
During our many email exchanges she sends this!!!
Curtesy of Noel Clark.
After reading this response I was in complete awe, because she perfectly articulated how this all became to be, she's quite the genius when it come to the pen. Who would have ever thought by me wanting to share my story with the world I would meet this incredible, amazingly beautiful person, who believed in me enough she would want to go into business with me. People it’s important, vital, your soul and life depends on you following your dreams. In closing, continue to prepare everything will happen on God's perfect timing.
Be sure to show this incredible individual some love by visiting her awesome blog.
God I thank you!!!
What's your philosophy?
One of my YouTube subscribers emailed me and asked "What is your philosophy" I pondered for a bit and thought to myself it's simple, my philosophy is to "Share your story" Interestingly enough this was something I was not so innate at doing, I actually struggled miserably with this due to the many fears, and anxieties. I had to realize these were mere roadblocks created in my head and I wanted to break out of that daunting shell. This is something many individuals are afraid of doing, and as a result it hinders them from sharing their truth. It is quite alright to be vulnerable by letting your guard down, not for the wrong reasons, but for all of the right ones!!! You will soon see through this you will find empowerment. By sharing your story you are able to connect with the people in the world around you. You just never know who you may help, and or inspire, so I advocate that you guys share your story.
Check out this article "Why Your Brain Loves Good Storytelling" posted on the Harvard Business Review written by, Paul J. Zack Professor at Claremont Graduate University.
Like the old saying goes
"People love a good story"